School of Midlife
This is the podcast for high-achieving women in midlife who want to make midlife their best life.
Women who have worked their entire lives, whether that’s in a traditional career or as the CEO of their household, or for many women, both. And they look around at their life in midlife, and think “I’ve worked my ass off for this?”
They have everything they always thought they ever wanted, but for some reason, it feels like something is missing.
This is the podcast for midlife women who are experiencing all sorts of physical changes in their bodies, while navigating changes in every other part of their lives, too: friendships, family life, work life.
This is the podcast for midlife women who find themselves wide-awake at 2.00am, asking themselves big questions like “what do I want?” “is it too late for me?”, and “what’s my legacy beyond my family and my work?”
Each week, we’re answering these questions and more at the School of Midlife.
When it comes to midlife, there are a lot of people talking about menopause and having a midlife crisis. This isn’t one of those podcasts. While we may occasionally talk about the menopausal transition, but that’s not our focus. Because we believe that midlife is so much more than menopause. And it’s certainly not a crisis.
At the School of Midlife, we’re looking to make midlife our best life.
School of Midlife
89. Healthy Habits Are This Season's Best Gift to Your Future Midlife Self
In this week’s episode, Laurie is discussing how focusing on healthy habits now — instead of waiting until the New Year — will not only help you enjoy the holidays this year, but will also set you up to start 2025 strong.
The best part: if you focus on your health and wellbeing now, you’ll likely enjoy the holidays more, end the year on a high note, and use that momentum to carry you into next year so that you can make 2025 your best year yet!
Key Takeaways:
-The holidays bring packed schedules and oftentimes, neglected health. Protect yourself by prioritizing healthy habits.
-Don’t deprive yourself or wait until January — start building momentum right now! You’ll have a head start on any 2025 goals.
-Establishing healthy habits now makes it easier to set boundaries and say “no” to holiday obligations that won’t serve you.
-The momentum you build now will make next year’s goals feel like a continuation…not that you’re starting from zero.
-Healthy habits like daily exercise, good sleep, nutrition and mindfulness will reduce stress and support you starting next year feeling recharged.
Links + Mentions:
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At the time this episode drops, I am on vacation. I'm actually in London. This is the trip we had scheduled for September of 2023. When Mike's mom fell and had to have surgery. So we had to reschedule our trip. We rescheduled it for September of 20, 24, and then Mike's dad died. So third time's a charm and we're spending the week in London. This is my first trip to London and I'm so excited to experience why so many people love London. when I think about creating my best life and midlife travel is a huge part of what I consider to be my best life. In fact, Every morning as part of my morning, 5, 10, 5 in the Best Life Planner. I write out. Five things I'm grateful for 10 dreams. I achieved five things. I'm looking forward to that day, every single day. If, um, if you're interested in getting a copy of the Best Life Planner, I will. Drop a clickable link in the show notes. Know that, because I'm on vacation, none of the planners will ship out until after November 23rd. Back to the morning, 5, 10, 5. The 10 dreams I achieved. Those are the 10 big things that if, and when I achieved them, once I make them part of my reality. Then I will be living my best life. Like there things that I absolutely need to do, want to do to live best life me. And I write them as if they have already happened so that my subconscious brain knows that it's important to me and will work. On finding opportunities. To make that a reality, like it's, it's. Subconscious brain magic if you will. But every week, number six on that list, I write I vacation annually in Europe and on a beach. In my mind, those are two separate vacations. Because best life me loves to travel. And I love Europe and I also like vacationing and just relaxing on a tropical beach. So two separate vacations. We already went to Mexico this year. Now we're fulfilling. The second part of that best life. Me dream in Europe. Because I'm on vacation. Today's episode is actually a replay from around a year ago. And part of the series that was called have yourself a Merry little midlife holiday. Over that six week series, I offered a different strategy to help you enjoy the holiday season a little bit more and avoid the stress and burnout that usually comes with the end of the year. In this week's episode, you'll hear all about creating healthy habits now. That will help set you up to start 20, 25 stronger, more resilient and equipped to make it your very best year yet. Let's dive in. Welcome to the School of Midlife podcast. I'm your host, Laurie Reynoldson. This is the podcast for the midlife woman who starting to ask herself big life questions. Like, what do I want? Is it too late for me? And what's my legacy beyond my family and my work. Each week we're answering these questions and more. At the School of Midlife, we're learning all of the life lessons they didn't teach us in school and we're figuring out finally what it is we want to be when we grow up. Let's make midlife your best life Hello friends. Welcome back to the school of mid-life podcast. Today's episode will be the first in a series about not to surviving the holidays this year, but actually enjoying them. Like really enjoying them. that's a novel concept, right? I mean, There are always glimmers of joy among all of the obligations, but I'm talking about a whole scale enjoying the holidays from. Thanksgiving. Through new years. Wouldn't that be delightful. The series is called, have yourself a Merry little midlife holiday. And why am I doing this series? Well, We all know that the holidays are a joyful time. Of course. I mean, we're spending time with friends and families. And there are festivities and decorations and parties and traditions there. There's a ton of fun. But there's also a lot of stress and chaos. Isn't there. And it's easy to lose yourself and neglect your own personal health and wellness. When you're running here and there and the holiday hustle and bustle, you get just get caught up in everything that's going on. But I think with a little intention and planning. You can not only survive the holidays. But actually enjoy them. So each week for the next five or six weeks. I'll be covering different topics about the holidays, managing stress, avoiding burnout, dealing with anxiety. Setting boundaries, hosting events that you actually enjoy going to, and more each episode will have practical tips and suggestions that you can start implementing right away. If there's a particular question or concern you have heading into the holidays that you'd like me to cover. Drop me an email and I'll be happy to add it to the mix. So let's kick off the Have Yourself a Merry little midlife holiday series. Today with focusing on healthy habits. I think so many of us approach the holiday season and see it as just another thing to get through And we. We think about it. Like I'll focus on my sleep after the holidays, or I'll get back to clean eating after the holidays, after the holidays, I'll head back to the gym. After the holidays, I'll get my spending in check. Right. We, we have this idea that once we get through the holidays, then somehow we're going to be on the other side. And, and then we can focus on things that. Are important to us or that matter to us, it's like we can't be bothered by another thing to add to the list until after January 1st. I get it. I know you're busy. I know there's a lot coming at you at work and at home. And there is a lot to finish before the end of the year. in this episode, I'm going to talk to you about why focusing on those healthy habits now. We'll not only allow you to enjoy the holidays more. But they're going to set you up for a successful start to 2024. Sounds pretty good. Right? So let's get started with why our healthy habits. Why do they matter this time of the year? I mean. They, they matter all year long. Right. But they're particularly important at this time of the year. Because. With the holidays come packed schedules and tons of obligations that pile up. I mean, on the one hand we have all of those end of the year to do's at work and at home. Uh, work projects that have to be completed by the end of the year. Maybe there are some sales goals that you have to meet because they're going to impact your compensation or your bonusing next year. Um, at home kids have final exams. Some of them are graduating. All of them have projects and programs or band concerts. There, there are always activities for them to attend, which usually means you have to be there too. So on the one hand we have all of these. To do's at work and home. And then on the other hand, we have all of these invitations. To get together before the end of the year. your book club there's going to be a end of the year blowout, the board that you are serving on. They're going to have a holiday party to celebrate. Everybody's efforts over the year. Uh, you've got work parties. You've got friend parties. There are people that you don't talk to. Any other time of the year. And for some reason it makes sense to try and get together with them, for coffee or meet them for a cocktail. It's like we just try and jam all of these things in to. Uh, time of the year, a season where there is already so much other stuff going on, but we just it's like, we just keep adding to the list. we've got all of these invitations. To get together before the end of the year. And. In doing so, I mean, there's only so many hours in the day, right? So. We're more apt to stay out late and get up early. Cause we're trying to squeeze everything into a finite number of hours during the week. And we eat richer foods and more of them. And we drink more. I mean, there are festive cocktails everywhere you look. And. None of these things are bad things. Not at all. I mean, most of them, if not, all of them are very enjoyable. Many of them, you know, getting together with certain people Enjoying certain traditions. You probably even look forward to those each year. But. If you do them all. You'll stretch yourself too thin. You'll end up stressed out. You'll end up, burned out. You might even get sick. And hear me when I say this, I am the queen of getting sick at that time of the year. My birthday is December 19th. So right before Christmas. By that point, we are all deep into the holiday obligations. And I can count on. Probably one hand, how many times I have not been sick on my birthday. Sometimes it's just a cold. Usually it's more than that. Um, for years growing up. It was strep throat. That became bronchitis in college and law school. But. I'll be 52 this year. And if I can count on one hand, how many times I haven't been sick on my birthday in 52 years. Obviously, this is a lesson I still need to learn. It's it's so crucial to protect your physical and mental health at this time of the year. And healthy habits. Are really the best foundation for protecting your health and wellness this time of the year. That I have found. Okay. I get it. That sounds, I mean, I just told you that I'm always sick on my birthday. Uh, and then I tell you that healthy habits are the best way to protect your health and wellness at this time of the year. So. This feels a little, like one of those things do, as I say, not as I do. Um, trust me though. When you actually focus on healthy habits. It works you or your physical and mental health. Much better. Um, I kind of walked myself into that one, though. Moving on. So healthy habits. Are gonna help you focus on. What really matters in your life? I am. What I mean by that is come the first or let's say second week in January. Most. Of. What we've spent our time on for the holidays it's over, right? The gifts have been on wrapped. Some of them maybe have been returned. The decorations are all taken down and packed away. The parties are over. The dinners. Have been cooked and eaten and the fancy dishes cleaned up and put away. Until next year, you're probably back at work. So. Uh, all the holidays are wrapped up by the first or second week in January. But you know what? Isn't packed away and cleaned up or stored in the garage or in the attic. That's your personal health and wellness because you take that with you all year long. It's just, it takes an extra beating during the holidays because there's so much going on. if you can find a way to. Focus on healthy habits. Those will not only sustain you through the holiday rush. But they're going to set you up for. A. Healthy and strong. 2024. I'll I'll talk about that more in a bit, but. You'll have all of this momentum going. So, not only will you. Feel better during the holidays, you'll be able to enjoy them more. You'll. End the year healthier. You'll start 20, 24 stronger. Plus these healthy habits are going to help you. Reduce stress. Which will support you and entering the new year. Feeling. Excited and motivated and recharged. Which all sounds pretty good. Right? But. You might be thinking. Why would I start now? It's kind of like. Waiting until Monday to start a new diet or workout plan. I mean, why waste the weekend? If I'm going to do something that feels restrictive or like an obligation, I don't want to start on the weekend. All the way till Monday. So you might be thinking the same thing about the holidays. There are, there's just so much excitement. There are so many festivities. Why would I ruin the fun by starting now? Because I think when. We. Think about habits. Healthy habits in particular. We think about depriving ourselves a little bit, or we think about restraint. Or that somehow we are kind of putting a damper on joy and excitement. So if that is the case, and that's how we have always seen or thought about these healthy habits. Why would we start now? Why wouldn't we wait until after the holidays so that we can enjoy all the festivities Why would we ruin the fun by starting now? Right. You might also be thinking. Why would I add anything else to the to-do list right now? Cause you already know. I mean, Think about your to-do list for cooking Thanksgiving dinner, right. The grocery lists, the, Setting the table, the menu, trying to figure out how to get everything in an out of the oven so that you can eat all of the food at exactly the same time. There are already so many things on that to do list. And that's just Thanksgiving. there is a whole heap of other things that we add. Between Thanksgiving and the end of the year. So why would you want to add something else to the to-do list? Or, you know, why create more obligations for yourself? Because the season is. It's already busy enough. So let's go there. Research shows that most resolutions and by resolutions I'm also. Including new habits, because a lot of times we make a resolution that. Relates to starting something new. Oftentimes those relate to health and wellness. So I'm just going to. Bundle in habits with resolutions. So research shows that most resolutions fail by the end of January. And get this. The term most resolutions. 80. Percent. So the resolve and the momentum that you have at the beginning of the year to make these big sweeping changes in your. Personal. In your physical and mental wellness in your physical, mental health. that momentum. That resolve. Fades. After just two weeks. So you get to the end of January. And if you've made, let's say 10 resolutions, which is a crazy high number. But you've made 10 resolutions. Just two of them will have stuck. That also means if you make five resolutions, which is a much more manageable number. You'll only carry one with you into February. Because 80% of them. Fail by the end of January. Here's the other thing, we try to do way too many things in January. We think. This'll be the year that I finally lose those last 15 pounds and get rid of my new menopause belly, which I don't really like. And I'm going to start lifting weights because I know about the benefits to midlife women. I know strength training is super good for me. And this is a year that I'm going to write the book I've been talking about for years, and I'm going to finally start learning how to golf. We create this. Long list of things we're going to do. because this is a year I'm, I'm going to finally do these things. And if you're being honest with yourself, that list probably looks a lot like last year's list or the list at the beginning of 2023. Might even look like the list at the beginning of 2022. Because we just seem to carry over. These things that we want to do, but we don't actually make time for, we don't make them a priority. We just resolve on January one that we're going to do X, Y, and Z. And all of the sudden. You know, we front-load January with a new eating plan and a new exercise routine and a new gym schedule and a new early wake up time for our new morning routine. And everything is new in January. Except maybe your spouse and your car and your job and your house. But I mean, come January. You're really embracing this. New year, new me mentality. But here's the thing. If you try and change everything all at once. You're setting yourself up for failure. and research proves that out, right? 80% of the resolutions failed by the end of January. So. When you try and change everything all at once. You will not be successful. It's it's just a fact. They. And part of that is there are literally not enough hours in the day. Or the week to do everything new that you want to do. Because for most of us, when we think about starting something new in January, When we think about starting a new habit or working on a new goal. We just add things to our to-do list. We add things to our already jam packed schedule. I talked a lot about this. Way back in Episode four called the best planning framework accomplish more in less time. I'll drop a clickable link in the show notes. If you want to go back and. Listen to that. Um, here's a little teaser for you. I will actually be talking about this more during the week between Christmas and new years. You know that week, the one where you're not really sure what day it is. You just want to sit on the couch and sip your coffee or tea and read in your PJ's under a cozy blanket. Yep. That week there'll be a lot more about that coming soon. But. If you're interested right now, go back, listen to episode four, that will give you an idea about. What I'm talking about here. Anyway. Instead of waiting until January. You can actually start now. And get a headstart on. What you want to focus on in 2024. The holiday season will actually allow you to. Test drive. And refine the habits. To figure out what you want to continue in the new year. You'll already know which ones are working for you. And which ones are. So why start now? A couple reasons. Establishing healthy habits and boundaries now. We'll actually make it easier. To say no to. Obligations that won't serve you during the holidays. Things that you don't want to attend or go to. Obligations that you. Don't want to have to deal with during the holiday season. And obligations that won't serve you in the coming year I started 75 hard again yesterday. You may know that this is the third time that I have gone through 75 hard. Um, 75 hard is a 75 day challenge where you take a progress picture every day. You have two workouts that you do. Both at least 45 minutes. One of them has to be outside. Um, you stick to an eating plan. It can be any eating plan you want, you drink a gallon of water every day. You read 10 pages in a non-fiction or a personal development book. For me. It is, it is always a great reset. This'll be the third time that I have done it. Um, and I've just, I've been traveling a lot. I'm still caring for my in-laws and I just feel like my time hasn't really been my own lately. Which means I've been skipping workouts and grabbing whatever food is quick and easy. And my sleep is all messed up. And I could avoided until January to start 75 hard again. But because I started yesterday. I'll be almost, let's see. 60 days into more healthy routines at the beginning of the year.'cause I'll be drinking the water and nourishing my body with healthy foods and getting my workouts in every day. Reading a bed before I go to sleep. Instead of scrolling social media on my phone. I'm going to be focusing on my sleep. These are all good things. And because I'm starting now. These behaviors will become habits. Which will just be part of who I am heading into 2024. But here's the added bonus. All of a built in excuse as to why I'm not drinking during the holidays, because I'm doing 75 hard. Oh, I forgot to. I forgot to throw that into, um, no alcohol during 75 hard. I'll already have these built-in excuses cause. I'm not drinking. Why am I skipping the party? I don't really want to go to, well, I have to get a hard workout. I have got to get my second workout in of the day because I'm doing 75 heart. Or why am I leaving the party early? Well, I need to read 10 pages in a book before I go to bed because I'm doing 75 hard. In my experience, no one wants to be the reason that you don't finish your day when you're doing 75 hard. Because if you miss one of the items that you're supposed to do during the day, You have to start over back at day one. And nobody wants to be the reason why you didn't complete all the things that you needed to do for 75 hard. But. What's perfect about that. Is. By focusing on. Getting my sleep. Eating properly. Hydrating. Not drinking. Exercising. I will also. Keep my stress. And anxiety in check over the holidays. the second reason. Y you should start now. And I kind of touched on this as part of number one as well, but the momentum you build. We'll make your new resolutions or the things that you're starting in 2024. It'll feel more like a continuation rather than a fresh start. Think about it like this. When you are getting on the interstate and you were driving in your car. There is an acceleration lane on the freeway on ramp. You go from zero at the stoplight. To up to freeway speed. In the acceleration lane on the on-ramp. So you are, you're actually getting up to speed. So that you can go with the flow and merge into traffic. Just like, if you start now with building those healthy habits. You'll be miles ahead of where you could have started if you would be starting back from zero at that. Off-ramp because you'd already, you're already on the freeway. I might've taken that analogy a little too far. But you get, you get the idea of what I'm talking about is. If you start now. You're going to be up to speed. You're going to have fully you're you're on the freeway. You're you've already passed the on ramp. You've already gone through the acceleration lane. You are already up to speed. Plus you'll already have some. Some results. They don't have to be big results. you'll have some small successes to celebrate. Which will actually want to keep you going. So you'll have this momentum. Working in your favor. So they come January 1st. Not only will you have gone through the holidays? With these healthy habits and they have allowed you and helped you. To enjoy yourself more. But come January one. You're going to be feeling confident rather than overwhelmed because you've already overhauled or changed part of your life, which is going to set you up. For greater momentum. And. You won't be experiencing overwhelm because you're not trying to overhaul. Everything at once. You're not trying to. To front-load January with all of the new things, because you started in November. And you've got almost 60 days in of doing whatever it is. You choose to focus on right now. Would you means you can launch into the new year already feeling. renewed and committed to a strong, healthy you versus the burned out fatigued. Kind of on edge person that a lot of us become during the holidays. The healthy habits that you implement now. We'll act. As the foundation to support any new goals that you're working on next year. It's just like building a house. You know, it's, it's so critical that you get the foundation right. If the foundation isn't right then cracks will form the foundation won't support the weight of the house. Much like. These healthy habits. When you build a foundation of healthy habits, That foundation of healthy habits will not only help you get through the holiday season, but it will also help you turn your attention to your 2024 goals because. These habits. We'll have just become. Who you are. So through the holiday season, as you are just starting out. You. Are focused on being someone who moves her body every day, because it makes her feel good. Someone who eats well to nourish her body. Someone who spends time meditating each day. Two. Reset. And once you've done it. Through the holiday season, not only will your stress level come down, your anxiety level will come down. But. You will have created this foundation where your, just that person now. Your just someone in 2024, who automatically moves her body every day, because it makes her feel good. Your just some buddy. In 2024 who eats? Well, because she knows she feels better when the food that she is eating is actually nourishing her body. I hope You can see the nexus. Between. Doing. Good things. To yourself. For yourself. And. The impact that that not only has on your ability to enjoy yourself for the holidays. But also. Start strong. After the holidays in the new year. And because you've started now. You'll have clarity on what's actually working versus what you still need to change in the new year. They say that whoever they is, but they say that it takes 30 days to create a new habit. Personally, I feel like it's longer than that. Um, I mean, think about it. You can do. Anything for 30 days, you know, you can. Tri, uh, an eating program where you don't eat carbs or sugar or caffeine for 30 days. There are exercise challenges that the gym that you can do for 30 days. A lot of people do you know? No alcohol. Uh, dry January they'll, they'll go 30 days without drinking. But do you ever notice that when the 30 days is up. You're right back at the same spot. I really feel like you can do anything for 30 days. So if I'm looking to create a new habit, I have to. Adopt a longer view. If I'm looking to make lasting change, 30 days, isn't enough for me. Cause. I I'm stubborn enough. I'll do anything for 30 days. But if I'm really trying to make lasting change to. Make a difference in. How I'm showing up for myself. It has to be longer than 30 days. And since there is about 60 days between now and the end of the year. This is the perfect time to start. So we talked about. Why focusing on healthy habits will get you through the holidays and set you up to start 20, 24 as your healthiest and strongest self. You might be wondering what habits. Would be good to start before the holidays. Here are some of my favorites. I'm a huge proponent of daily movement, whether that is just a walk to reset. If it's, it could be a long hike. And here's the other key. I think it needs to be outside. Walking outside. Instantly boosts your energy and your mood. Even if the weather is crappy. There is something about getting outside. Even if it's can just be 10 minutes long. Get some daily movement in, have it be outside? Just a quick little reset. In addition to my walk, I also like to add in strength training or hiking or something a little bit more strenuous to get my heart rate up a bit. Um, it could be cycling. Uh, it doesn't have to be outside because I've got that morning daily walk. Outside. But there's something about. Dedicated intentional. Daily exercise that also. Is very beneficial. I think a consistent sleep schedule is important. I mean, don't, don't ever sacrifice your rest because your, your mind and your body need it. And the older you get, the harder it is to get deep restorative sleep. I think the key there is to. shut down. A little earlier at night and go to bed earlier. Most of us can't sleep in anymore. We've, you know, we're so accustomed to waking up when. An alarm goes off. But now we just wake up. Even when the alarm doesn't go off and we have nothing to do on a Saturday morning, but we're wide awake at five 30 in the morning. So. Go to sleep a little bit earlier so that you can be sure to get enough sleep in. I think it's important to focus on good nutrition, where at the age, where what we eat really matters. don't believe me. Think back to, do you remember in. College or gosh, even in your thirties where you could eat and drink anything and everything you wanted over the weekend. And say, just spend another, I don't know, 30 minutes at the gym on Monday to work it off. Yep. That's, that's not a solid plan anymore. Our metabolisms are changing and the way we store foods as fats and inflammation totally different. I mean, not to mention that. And that's just what we, what we eat, think about. The lack of sleep or a headache from just one too many glasses of red wine. I mean, if you're like me, you'll be feeling that for days. There's no such thing as just a. a. quick little hangover anymore it's it's a multi-day process but Focusing on good nutrition vitally important And then the last thing i think As far as a healthy habit to adopt is a mindfulness practice Even if it's just five minutes of meditation a day. It's amazing how that can center and calm you I wasn't always someone who took time to intentionally quiet my mind to spend time with meditation and breath and Just Being I will say though as someone who typically runs a little hot and Has been known to make her own weather like Taking time for a mindfulness practice has Has made a huge difference in my life All of these habits can actually be tracked in the best life daily planner and habit tracker. You can use the morning 5, 10, 5 as your mindfulness practice But there's also a habit tracker area where you can keep track of your sleep what you eat how much water you're drinking how much exercise you're getting and more If you want to pick up one. Currently running a buy one get one free sale there's a clickable link in the show notes with the buy one get one free sale you can buy one for you to use right now And you get one free so Built-in christmas gift i mean literally the thing comes wrapped in custom tissue paper so throw a tag on it drop it in a bag Check one thing off your gift lists Whenever you order it i all y'all will always drop it in the mail to you the day after you order it so you can start now you can use the planner between now and the end of the year to help you get through the holidays while you're establishing these healthy habits you'll already have a built-in christmas gift You can order your planner In the show notes below Let's wrap this up by saying if you want this holiday season to be different than you have to you have to do things differently And we'll talk about managing stress and setting boundaries and other ways that you can Focus on Creating a fantastic enjoyable holiday season in future episodes of the have yourself a merry little midlife holiday series But for today for say this week You can start by focusing on healthy habits Because when you take care of your personal and mental wellbeing over the holidays You will feel better you'll also enjoy yourself more Which Sounds about like the best gift you could give yourself. Thank you so much for listening to the School of Midlife podcast. It means so much to have you here each week. If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me the biggest favor and help us spread the word to other midlife women? There are a couple of easy ways for you to do that first. And most importantly, if you're not already following the show, would you please subscribe? That helps you because you'll never miss an episode. And it helps us because you'll never miss an episode. Second, if you'd be so kind to leave us a five-star rating, that would be absolutely incredible. And finally, I personally read each and every one of your reviews. So if you take a minute and say some nice things about the podcast, well, that's just good karma. Thanks again for listening. I'll see you right back here. Next week when the School of Midlife is back in session until then take good care.