School of Midlife

Closing Time: Initial Impressions of 2023 (Part 2)

December 26, 2023 Laurie Reynoldson Episode 41
Closing Time: Initial Impressions of 2023 (Part 2)
School of Midlife
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School of Midlife
Closing Time: Initial Impressions of 2023 (Part 2)
Dec 26, 2023 Episode 41
Laurie Reynoldson

One of the best ways to set yourself up for your best year yet is to spend some time completing a comprehensive year-end review! In this 3-episode series, Laurie walks you through her proven year-end review. If you are looking to make 2024 your best year yet, you don't want to miss the Closing Time series.

🎙 Listen to CLOSING TIME: Episode 1

✏️ Download CLOSING TIME: Year-End Review Guide



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Show Notes Transcript

One of the best ways to set yourself up for your best year yet is to spend some time completing a comprehensive year-end review! In this 3-episode series, Laurie walks you through her proven year-end review. If you are looking to make 2024 your best year yet, you don't want to miss the Closing Time series.

🎙 Listen to CLOSING TIME: Episode 1

✏️ Download CLOSING TIME: Year-End Review Guide



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Welcome to the School of Midlife podcast. I'm Laurie Reynoldson, former award-winning attorney turned high performance coach for midlife women. I designed this podcast is your go-to place for weekly midlife inspiration, where I'll be providing step-by-step actionable coaching and introducing you to some incredible women who are absolutely crushing it at the midlife game. Well, Hey friends, welcome back to the school of midlife podcast. And the second episode in a short series called closing time. Just like closing time at a bar or restaurant before you leave for the night, you have to add up the receipts, clean up. Restock and get everything set up for the next day. Well, it's time to close out 2023 and set ourselves up for an incredible 2024. This series is full of actionable coaching tips. So make sure you download this episode because it's one that you're going to want to come back to and listen to again and again. In this second episode, we're talking about the first step in a year-end review. So second episode, but step one. These episodes are meant to go in order. So if you haven't listened to episode one, pause this episode. Go listen to episode one, by clicking the link in the show notes and then come back and finish this episode two. I'm assuming at this point that you've listened to episode one. before we get into the nitty gritty. Which we're going to go very deep on your end review and episode three. But for episode two, I want to spend time to prime the pump to set the stage. If you will, to get. To get you thinking about your past year, but at the 30,000 foot level, instead of getting. Super granular right away. I want to Take a step back and just set the stage. The beauty of this particular exercise is that it will take you just 10 minutes to complete. So it's super easy to. squeeze it in between your week off of relaxing and regrouping, you know, that week between Christmas and new years when you're not even really sure what day it is. But. 10 minutes is all it takes. I will say, when you are going through. These exercises I want you to do so without judgment or editing. When you answer these questions just. Take them off the top of your head, your initial impressions. I want you to write down the first things that come to mind, because oftentimes we start getting really critical. We start second guessing ourselves or, or saying, oh, you know, maybe, maybe that really wasn't a success, or maybe that really wasn't a challenge or. Maybe I wasn't my best at whatever it was, but instead of. Self-editing or. Adding any judgment calls to what you're writing down. Just go with. Your initial impressions, the first things that come to mind when you go through these questions. With that background. Let's go ahead and get started. grab a piece of paper and your favorite pen. Or if you'd like a worksheet. I made you a copy of the exact worksheet I use to complete my year end review each year. Just click the link below in the show notes and print it out. And then once you've got your piece of paper or your worksheet, And your favorite pen. I want you to set a timer for 10 minutes. here are the questions I want you to answer. And after i Ask the question go ahead and press pause Write down your answer Come back for the next question Okay. Let's get started. Number one When were you the happiest? You might think about what caused you to feel that way? What were you doing? Who were you with? Where were you? And this does not have to be one. Time, when you felt the happiest, what were you doing? What activities were you doing through the year? What moments do you remember when you were the happiest? So number one. When were you the happiest? Now, remember you're going to want to pause this episode. Answer the question and then come back for the next question Number two. When were you unhappy? Again, I want you to think about what caused you to feel that way. What were you doing? Who were you with? Where were you? Number three. What were the biggest challenges you overcame? Number four. What were the most important lessons that you learned? Number five. What were you most proud of? Number six. What would you like a do over on. Number seven. Who has been the most important to you this year? When you're answering this one. Maybe think of someone who has supported you, who has been indispensable in your life or your work? Could be family members could be friends, coworkers. And again, you don't have to limit yourself to one person. But who were your people in 2023. Number eight. What was your best purchase or investment? And investment could be money related. It could be time related. I will let you define that. However it is you want. And number nine, we're going to finish on a high note here. So what were your biggest successes or accomplishments? I'm assuming you've gone through all of the questions. I'm curious. Are you surprised by how much you've done in 2023? Isn't it interesting to take just 10 minutes and reflect. I always. surprised by how much. I have. Finished accomplished started just how much I have moved each year when I take. A 30,000 foot. View of what i did and these are just kind of off the cuff reflections But just wait It gets better In the next episode we're rolling up our sleeves and we're really getting to work so i will see you in episode three Thank you so much for listening to this episode of the School of Midlife podcast. I'd love it if you would take a moment and leave me a five star review so that we can spread the word to other mid-life women. Then join my mailing list. The link is in the show notes. And if you're ready to make midlife your best life, you can also find out more about how to work with me in the show notes. I'll see you right back here next week when the School of Midlife is back in session.